Crash Course

Zip or postal codes

The Destination condition triggers a rule for specified countries, states, and zip/postal codes.

To enter postcodes

  1. Select a country or state from the dropdown menu.
  2. Click on the displayed tag.
  3. Type one or more codes after a colon (:).

Separate multiple codes with commas

Example: 10001, 10002, 10003

Use wildcards (*) for partial matching

  • 12* matches any code starting with 12.
  • XX* matches codes starting with XX.
  • *ABC* matches codes containing ABC anywhere.

Specify ranges with three dots (...)

  • 12000...12299 covers all codes from 12000 to 12299.
  • AA100...ZZ999 covers all codes starting from two letters,
    followed by a number from 100 to 999, such as AB100, AB333, CC100, AZ900, etc.


  • United Kingdom: SE*, NW*
  • United States — New York: 10001...10034, 10040, 112*

Wildcards in ranges, such as AA*...ZZ*, are not supported